
Update on

This site tries to be accessible to as many people as possible, however if you encounter any difficulties do not hesitate to let us know via our contact form.

View size

The texts contained in this site have a relative font size, i.e. can be enlarged as required.

To change the display size of the text :

  • Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome: press CTRL + plus sign (+) to zoom in and CTRL + minus sign (-) to zoom out. CTRL + numeric pawn zero (0) to return to the default size.
  • Safari: press Option + Command + minus sign (-) simultaneously
  • Internet Explorer: go to View, Text Size and choose.

Aids to Navigation - Avoidance Links

This menu is placed at the top of the page, these links allow, as soon as the page is loaded, direct access to the main areas of the site.

Aids to Navigation - ARIA Roles of Document Areas

You can use your technical help (screen reader...) to move through the pages thanks to the roles. These roles allow you to better structure the document and thus help you in your navigation.

  • With NVDA: NVDA + F7
  • With Jaws: CTRL + INS + semicolon (;)
  • With VoiceOver: CTRL + Option + U

Defender of Rights

If you notice a lack of accessibility preventing you from accessing any content or functionality of the site, if you report it to us and if you do not manage to obtain a rapid response from us, you are entitled to send your complaints or request for referral to the Defender of Rights. Several means are at your disposal: